Peace is my inheritance

Procrastination becomes a way of life by developing a habit looking only for the urgent at the expense of the important in life. Developing in the peace of God is ultimately important but may not seem urgent. Meditate the scriptures concerning peace, make them into confessions and share them with others. Eliminate the clutter of…

I had a Dream

In the Dream I was back in the corporate world. I was attending some kind of status meeting where we were preparing a report highlighting significant accomplishments. It was clearer to me than ever before what the company needed from me and what I needed to do in order to get a promotion. My ambition…

Get Lower

This morning during our prayer teleconference the Lord showed me how to get lower. He said sometimes when we are praying for others who have or are in long-term struggles, we begin to ask why haven’t they come out yet. That question sets you up to judge (and become like Job’s friends in the bible).…